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We left the last of the sunshine behind as we flew northwards over Otago Peninsula. Image: LEARNZ.
We caught a glimpse of the snow covered Southern Alps as we headed towards Christchurch. Image: LEARNZ.
We had a great view across Christchurch City as we came in to land. Image: LEARNZ.
After a smooth landing we arrived safe and sound in Christchurch. Image: LEARNZ.
Shelley is ready for a big week exploring Christchurch. Image: LEARNZ.
People have come up with creative ways to improve areas and use vacant spaces in the centre of Christchurch. Image: LEARNZ.
Work continues to clear old foundations from this site and prepare the area for building.  Image: LEARNZ.
Who would have thought that a shopping centre made out of shipping containers could look this good? Image: LEARNZ.
Shelley and Steve, explore a red zone area in Bexley where houses will not be rebuilt. Image: LEARNZ.
Land testing shows that this particular area in Bexley is not strong enough to be built on.  Image: LEARNZ.
Flooding is frequent along New Brighton Road as the land has dropped and the river is now higher than the surrounding land. Image: LEARNZ.
A stop bank has been built along the Avon River to try and reduce flooding. Image: LEARNZ.
New buildings are popping up everywhere in Christchurch as the rebuild gains momentum. Image: LEARNZ.
The Ferrymead Bridge is an important road link for 20,000 residents east of the bridge. Lifeline services such as water, sewage and power also run along the bridge. Image: LEARNZ.
Steve answers questions from St Peter\
Alvin finds a survey peg marking property boundaries in a new subdivision in Christchurch. Image: LEARNZ.
A new house is under construction. It is thought that over 10,000 new houses will need to be built to replace those that have been damaged. Image: LEARNZ.
This new home looks very inviting as a snow storm hits Christchurch. Image: LEARNZ.
Welcome to the Land Information (LINZ) office in central Christchurch. Image: LEARNZ.
Alvin finds out how the features on our round Earth can be turned into a flat map. Image: LEARNZ.
This is a 1:250,000 map, meaning one centimetre on this map represents 2.5 kilometres on the ground. Image: LEARNZ.
Richard Freeman looks at a more detailed 1:50,000 topographic map. This map has a scale of 1 centimetre representing 500 metres on the ground so is more detailed but covers a smaller area. Image: LEARNZ.
Shelley and Richard talk to Murchison Area School Year 10 students during our audioconference. Image: LEARNZ.
It was a great view from the snowy Port Hills in Christchurch down to Lyttelton Harbour. Image: LEARNZ.
Shelley, Alvin and Richard enjoy the snow above Dyers Pass. Image: LEARNZ.
Alvin finds that the snow is deeper than he thought. Image: LEARNZ.
Smart phones, tablets and computers are often able to use GPS (Global Positioning Systems) to give your location. Image: LEARNZ.
Shelley and Richard show Alvin how to find his exact location on a tablet using the NZ maps application. Image: LEARNZ.
Looking out across Christchurch from the Port Hills. Image: LEARNZ.
It was a beautiful day in Christchurch today. This is the view from near the top of Sugarloaf. Image: LEARNZ.
This Trig Station marks the position of a geodetic survey mark on the top of Sugarloaf 496m above sea level. Image: LEARNZ.
Jen Ryan, Paula Gentle and Shelley talk to Blue Mountain College during the first audioconference today. Image: LEARNZ.
Inside this shed is a tide gauge at Lyttelton Port. A tide gauge measures the height of tides. Notice the GPS aerial on the roof. Image: LEARNZ.
Alvin stands beside the tide gauge at Lyttelton Port. Image: LEARNZ.
This model shows a boat using echo-sounding to measure the bathymetry or shape of the seafloor. Image: LEARNZ.
Jen shows Shelley and Alvin how nautical charts are made from hydrographic surveys. Image: LEARNZ.
This is a nautical chart used by mariners to navigate safely at sea. Image: LEARNZ.
Paula shows us how to measure levels using a survey mark, measuring staff and telescope. Image: LEARNZ.
The second part of the evaluation prize is a jigsaw puzzle of a hydrographic chart. Image: LINZ.
The first part of the evaluation prize is a set of local topographical maps kindly donated by Land Information New Zealand. Image: LINZ.
Jennifer Ryan manages chart production for the New Zealand Hydrographic Authority within Land Information New Zealand. Image: LINZ.
The Geospatial field trip is located in and around Christchurch, New Zealand\
Paula Gentle hard at work completing geodetic survey work for Land Information New Zealand. Image: LINZ.
LEARNZ virtual field trips connect you with real people, in real time, doing real jobs. Image: LEARNZ.
Richard Freeman is a cartogrpaher for Land Information New Zealand. Image: LINZ.
Shelley braves the cold during Antarctic field training on the Ocean Acidification field trip. Image: LEARNZ.
Stephen Bensberg is the Local Government Coordinator with the New Zealand Geospatial Office. Image: LINZ.

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